Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My favorite Christmas gift this year came from my beloved friend Laido; a delicate silver bracelet with silver slip knot ties and a small silver plaque with a tiny star hanging from its side.  What made the gift special was not so much the piece of jewelry itself, but the words of truth inscribed on it.
“Dreams become reality one choice at a time.”

I felt the power of those words the moment I read them.  I wondered if he had any idea what changes this may cause in our lives together, for I am a dreamer.  An optimist would be putting my ideals mildly, though they are not without rules of reality.  I imagine a life of loving beauty complete with growth, accomplishment and making a difference in my world.  Alone in its wonder, I push past social norms, common clichés and cynicism with a persistent knowing in my heart that they contain a measure of truth.

Somewhere in my adult life I lost much of my ability to dream and went as far as not knowing what I really even liked being content to take what was given and immerse myself in helping my family accomplish their dreams.  I don’t mean to imply servitude and acceptance to not be honorable traits; however, I had lost the balance of taking care of myself in equal measure.  In caring and nurturing my own dreams, I have discovered I am able to give from a flowing river instead of a trickling stream.  I am able to model to my family a way of “getting your cake and eating it too”.

Recently I have made some important choices; choices which took tremendous courage and belief that I was doing the right thing.  It has opened up a new world for me.  My dreams are no longer in the shadows of my thoughts, but are taking shape in the light of day.

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